
Hatha Yoga Asana Sessions
Hatha yoga is a branch of Yoga. The Sanskrit word ‘हठ’ or Hatha literally means "force" and thus alludes to a system of physical techniques.
In India, hatha yoga is associated in popular tradition with the Yogis of the Natha Sampradaya through its traditional founder Matsyendranath, who is celebrated as a saint in both Hindu and Buddhist tantric and Hatha yoga schools. Almost all hathayogic texts belong to the Nath siddhas, and the important ones are credited to Matsyendranath's disciple, Gorakhnath or Gorakshanath. According to the Dattatreya Yoga Åšastra, there are two forms of haá¹ha yoga: one practiced by Yajñavalkya consisting of the eight limbs of yoga, and another practiced by Kapila consisting of eight mudras.
We provide regular sessions during mornings and evening of the same.
Ashtanga Vinyasa
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga is one of these systems of Hatha yoga that synchronises breath and movement in a flowing sequence of asanas (postures). Each asana has a unique choreographed number of movements into and out of it.

Yin Yoga
Yin yoga works deeply into our body with passive, longer-held poses. It targets the deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, bones, the deep fascia networks of the body and the meridians.
Meditation/Raja Yoga
Guided Meditation
Guided meditation describes a type of meditation led by a teacher, in person or via audio or video. When starting out, having an expert lead you through the basic steps of your meditation practice is recommended.

Philosophy/Jnana Yoga

The Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, a warrior prince, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It teaches important lessons on karma, dharma, and spiritual liberation.
Ramcharitmanas is an epic poem by Goswami Tulsidas that retells the story of Lord Rama in seven books. It is a significant devotional text in Hinduism, widely read and revered in India, and has been adapted into various forms of performing arts.

The Puranas are valued for their ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of Hindu cosmology, philosophy, and mythology. They also serve as a valuable source of information on ancient Hindu culture and society, and help to preserve and transmit the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient sages to future generations.
Kirtan/Bhakti Yoga
Live Kirtan
Live kirtan is a devotional musical performance in which Hindu hymns or mantras are chanted or sung with musical accompaniment. It is a form of devotional yoga that cultivates spiritual awareness and connection.

Bhajan is a devotional song or hymn in the Hindu tradition that is sung in praise of gods and goddesses. It is a form of devotional yoga that cultivates spiritual awareness and connection.
Arti & Lamp Lighting

Chanting/Mantra Yoga

Mantra for Deities
108 Names of Deities

Body Cleansing & Detoxifying/Shatkarma

Jal Neti
Jal Neti is a yoga practice that involves using warm saline water to clean the nasal passages using a special Neti pot. The practice has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and is beneficial for people with respiratory issues.
Sutra Neti
Sutra Neti is a yoga practice that involves using a thin string to clean the nasal passages. The practice is highly effective at cleansing the nasal passages and improving respiratory health

(candle meditation)
​Trataka is a yogic practice that involves gazing steadily at a single point, typically a small object such as a candle flame or a black dot on a wall. The practice is meant to improve focus, concentration, and inner awareness, as well as to strengthen the eyes and enhance overall visual perception.
Kunjal Kriya
Kunjal Kriya is a yogic practice that involves drinking warm saline water and then inducing vomiting to remove any excess mucus or toxins from the stomach and upper digestive tract.

Yog Nidra

Conscious Sleep
​Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation and relaxation practice that is often referred to as "yogic sleep". The practice involves lying down in a comfortable position and following the instructions of a teacher or recording, as the mind is guided into a state of deep relaxation and awareness.